Middle School and High School


Confirmation is for youth in grades 6-8. We meet on Sundays at 11:45am. We meet in Pastor Kevin’s office. We discuss the core parts of following Jesus. We read the Bible. We learn about prayer. We discuss what is happening in the world. We discover new insights about communion and baptism. We pray together. And the end of our journey, each student is asked to proclaim their faith in an Affirmation of Baptism.

Summer Camp

This is your invitation for your child to participate in an opportunity that will create memories, assist them in their growing, and give them a lifetime of memories. Our church invites families to take advantage of Camp Lutherwood. Located on the secluded west end of Lake Samish in Bellingham, this camp provides programing for elementary children through Sr High. Click here for more information about Camp Lutherwood.

Junior Counselors

Our students are encouraged to volunteer their time as Junior Counselors for our Vacation Bible School. Junior Counselors guide, coach and teach the children in their care. Junior Counselors are supervised by adults in the congregation. Community service hours can be earned by serving as a Junior Counselor.

Holden Village

Come with the congregation to a remote retreat setting high in the Cascade Mountains. Watch for the dates for when our congregation will be traveling to Holden Village this summer. Also, watch for the opportunity for hiking to the Village.

A Part of the Body

Youth can assist as ushers, acolytes, readers, worship assistants; teach a class or attend a travel tour (Tanzania or the Holy Land). Simply call the church office to sign up.

Staying in Touch

We live in community. There are many ways that we can stay in touch with one another. Creating a group text account with others in the church is a great way to keep in touch with one another in our busy lives.