What We Believe



It’s why we gather.
Grace is the love of God. God loves creation—the earth, sea, and sky.
God loves all the creatures of the earth—all the wild ones and all the domesticated.
God loves people.  All people.  No exceptions.  Wild and domesticated.
Period.  And exclamation point.


It’s why we gather.  Grace comes with a human touch.
God loves all-that-there-is so much he gives us Jesus—so that we could see the embodiment of grace.
We invite each other to live as Jesus lived; and to love as Jesus loved.
But this isn’t easy.  After all, we’re only human.  Sometimes we step on toes.  We have regrets.
So… we gather to be forgiven.  We gather to grow in the art of forgiving others.


It is a momentary pause and prayer before supper.---and so much more than that.
It’s why we gather together.  If God so loved the world, perhaps we should, too.
We are called in the stories that came before Jesus and in the stories that came afterwards

To care for our neighbor’s needs
To feed those who are hungry
To stand beside those who are alone
To speak up for justice

To take care of the earth For if God so loved the earth, sea and sky,

We are called to enjoy and care for the City, the Forest and the Salish Sea.


It’s forgiveness.
It’s love.
It’s free.
It’s life.
It’s for you.