Early Readers (age 6-11)
Sunday School
Come join us for a great discussion about the love of God and how we can live this love in our daily lives. We meet from September to May at 9am. We also engage in activities involving the arts, such as crafts, puppetry and drama.
Your Child in Worship
For all parents who wish to worship with their child, our church is a welcome place.
Children’s Sermons. Each Sunday, during worship, our pastor speaks to children about the love of God in stories that they can understand.
Helping with Worship. Children can assist as ushers, acolytes, readers and worship assistants. Simply call the church office to help set that up.
Ask them Questions. We do not need to pepper them with questions, but instead ask them a question or two about what they liked about their Sunday morning experience. Or ask them something that made them wonder.
Sing harmony. Invite your child into the timeless gift of music by teaching them to follow musical notes and harmonies. It is good to have them watch their parents sing, pray and show reverence.
Children and Communion
Children are welcome at the communion table. Children may receive the communion, or a blessing. We believe that parents are the best people to know when it the child is ready to receive communion. Our pastor is available to talk to your family and your child about communion.
Vacation Bible School
Every summer, children are invited to sing, learn, and grow in faith. College-aged leaders guide our children in games, crafts and learning about God, loving God’s people, and caring for God’s creation.
Vacation Bible School 2020 will be ________. Cost is $_____. Costs vary for families with more than one child.
Click here for registration and more information. (goes to separate VBS website with paypal)
Summer Camp
This is your invitation for your child to participate in an opportunity that will create memories, assist them in their growing, and give them a lifetime of memories. Our church invites families to take advantage of Camp Lutherwood. Located on the secluded west end of Lake Samish in Bellingham, this camp provides programming for elementary children through Sr High. Click here for more information about Camp Lutherwood.
Post It Here
We know how busy life can be. As kids get older their lives become more scheduled. There are soccer games on Sunday morning. Sometimes the family needs to get away for the weekend. We get it. Here in this place we live by grace – and not by guilt.
Wherever we go, God is there.
Therefore, on the Sundays that you are not able to come to worship, we ask that you and your child keep an eye out for the love of God. We encourage you to find images of God-With-Us and Post It Here.
God is with you, wherever you may be.
Very Important Person
Each child of God is important—no matter how old or young they may be. At Magnolia Lutheran Church, we connect each child with at least one caring adult. We ask that each adult find out what is important in your child’s life—and to have brief occasional conversations with them at the church and through letters. We also ask each child to interview their VIP, and learn something about their life. The idea is that each child needs to have people in their life who know them and let them know that they are important. Each adult VIP has a background check and is assigned to a child at the approval of the parent. For more information, please contact the church office at 206-284-0155.