Infants and Toddlers
Nursery - Temporarily Closed
Currently, we do not have an attendant to staff the nursery, however, parents may take their children to the nursery during services if they stay with them. We have a wonderful nursery. Our nursery is open every Sunday from 9am to 11:15am. Our nursery is on the lower level, at the north end of the building. We are working towards hiring an attendant for 2022.
Children in Worship
For all parents who wish to worship with their child, our church is a welcome place. Listed below are some helpful tips.
Even if a child is not able to read, it is formative to have them watch their parents sing, pray and show reverence.
Activity Bags are available near the sanctuary doors. The bags are lovingly stuffed with coloring books, crayons, age appropriate books and activities for your child.
We invite parents with children to sit toward the front. This allows children to see what is happening.
We have a Rocking Chair in the Sanctuary. This allows closeness for parent and child in the sacred setting of the sanctuary.
Children and Communion
Children are welcome at the communion table. Children may receive the communion, or a blessing. We believe that parents are the best people to know when it the child is ready to receive communion. Our pastor is available to talk to your family and your child about communion.